Looking for some more features than what free web hosting offers? Shared web hosting is a type of hosting in which you share the hosting space with hundreds and thousands of other websites. The cost is shared amongst all the users and is usually as low as $5, which is economical for many start-ups and small businesses. Many of the top web hosting companies in Pakistan offers this service of giving great hosting in the fraction of cost.
However, a big disadvantage of this type of hosting may be that you are dependent on the other sites that are enlisted on your server. In this case, a website having tremendous traffic may have adverse effects on the performance of your site and vice versa. This is why many online businesses opt for this web hosting as they are not expected to have much traffic.
Some of the famously shared web hosting providers with a price range between $5 to $30 per month are;
- Bluehost
- WebHostingHub.com
- GreenGeeks.com
- WireNine.com
Looking for a Reputable and Professional Web Hosting in Pakistan?
Boundless Technologies is a pro at offering different types of web hosting in Pakistan. Our hosting plans are economical, effective and customized to meet your unique business needs.