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Pakistan’s IT Exports Hit Record High: $310 Million in April 2024

May 20, 2024 – Karachi, Pakistan

Pakistan’s Information Technology (IT) sector has reached an unprecedented milestone with IT export remittances soaring to a record $310 million in April 2024, marking a remarkable 62.3% year-on-year (YoY) increase from $191 million in April 2023, according to official data released on Monday. This significant leap highlights the dynamic growth of Pakistan’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, driven by escalating global demand for technology services and strengthened government support.

“This is the highest ever export number in a single month, with the previous highest being $306 million in March 2024,” noted brokerage Topline Securities in a recent report. The data not only underscores the sustained upward trajectory of the IT sector but also signifies a 1% month-on-month increase from March, which previously held the record.

The robust growth in IT exports is a testament to Pakistan’s thriving ICT industry, which continues to expand its footprint in the global market. Factors contributing to this growth include the increasing reliance on digital solutions worldwide, the expanding talent pool of IT professionals in Pakistan, and concerted efforts by the government to enhance the sector’s competitiveness through various incentives and supportive policies.

“The rapid growth in IT export remittances reflects the resilience and potential of our ICT sector,” stated an official spokesperson from the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication. “Our focus on nurturing talent, fostering innovation, and creating an enabling environment for IT businesses has started to yield substantial results. We are committed to further accelerating this growth trajectory.”

As Pakistan’s ICT sector continues to thrive, it is poised to play a pivotal role in the country’s economic development. The record-breaking export remittances highlight the sector’s capability to contribute significantly to the national economy and its potential to emerge as a key player in the global IT landscape.

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